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“Objects That Aren't: A Surrealist Approach to Identifying Photographic Images"

The edition “Objects That Aren’t” is a photographic contrast between tangible imagery and perceived and/or implied meanings. Photographer Marques Vickers has incorporated a surrealist approach reminiscent of artist Rene Magritte’s painting This Is Not A Pipe.

Vickers identifies what each object does not represent to him. In many instances his opinion appears obvious. In others, his conclusion may not have even occurred to the viewer. His subjectivity prompts the viewer into determining his or her own personal interpretation of what the camera lens is portraying. Images are not necessarily confined to exact interpretation. The majority of candid frames represent little more than frozen impressions. Reaction is potentially triggered and often dependent on the viewer’s reference base of experiences, traumas, and overall aperture towards life.

As with previous photographic editions, the author questions accepted or traditional standards, while accentuating absurdity with humor and subtlety.

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